DAY 674 | El agua que mata tu sed

Digital creator

If you are the copyright owner of a photograph, video, artwork, text posted to this nonprofit blog and want it removed or credited, please do not hesitate to contact me at
and the item(s) will be promptly taken down or credited. Thank you.


  1. This AI shit is destroying our grasp of real beauty. The naturally pretty people who take good care of themselves are being cast aside in favor of an electronic image.

    1. Self-respecting bloggers who appreciate natural guys and male beauty steer clear of the artificial people generator.

    2. You've just offended the 2,000 to 2,500 individuals who visit this blog daily.

      Please note that AI-related content and frontal nudity pics are the most frequently downloaded from this platform.That's just how it goes.

      Personally, I'm not a fan of AI-generated photos, and I don't want to turn MNC into a porn blog, but I recognize that some of my visitors enjoy them greatly, so I occasionally share them.

      Interestingly, many of the photos that I prefer are rarely downloaded, but hey, it's my blog, and I also (and primarily) post content that aligns with my taste! Paintings, architectural content, cartoons, recipes are seldom downloaded, but I keep posting them because they are a reflection of who I am and what I want MNC to be.

      It's interesting that whenever you engage with my blog, it's to harshly criticize its content, myself — and now my visitors. I receive few comments, mainly because most visitors come and go, downloading photos like free flyers at a store, without realizing that the guy behind the scenes is somehow a "content creator" who values occasional words of praise and enjoys interacting with visitors, even if some may be disappointed by a particular post/topic (omnia omnibus placere non possunt).

      I can't recall receiving any positive comment from you. Ever.

  2. I'm not a fan of AI either, but I must admit, these images are stunning. I enjoy everything about this blog. Oddly enough I've never thought of MNC as your creative outlet but I believe it is. This is your little project and I look forward to visiting every day. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Blondische blondie vorgestellt :)
    Gutaussehender traum

  4. I'm not a fan : (


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