DAY 719 | Kevin Spacey: "I'm broke, I've lost my home, and owe millions in legal fees"

On the window ledge
Screenshot from "The Life of David Gale", by Alan Parker, 2003

Spacey choked up as he said his home in Baltimore is in foreclosure and would be auctioned at a fire sale. “I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now,” said Spacey, who also maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.

Watch the full interview on YouTube below

Kevin Spacey’s acting career was at its apex in 2017, starring in Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World after decades of successes and accolades; including two oscar wins. But when allegations were made by Anthony Rapp, his life came to an abrupt halt and he was cut from Scott's movie. In the seven years since the first accusations came out, Kevin has barely worked and faced a slew of criminal charges; charges that have ultimately amounted to ‘not guilty’ across the board.

Kevin Spacey Chokes Up In Piers Morgan Interview, Says He’s Broke: “I Can’t Pay My Bills”

The actor was found not guilty last year of all charges of sexual assault against four men between 2001 and 2013, and in 2022 a US court dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against him

“I have nothing to hide and I want to live a more open life than the one that I did,” said Kevin Spacey in his first lengthy interview since winning most of the sexual misconduct suits against him over the past several years. 

Today’s hour-plus interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored covered not just the allegations against him, but the two time Oscar winner’s mental state, his sexuality, his childhood and his much-impacted finances.

Spacey choked up as he said his home in Baltimore is in foreclosure and would be auctioned at a fire sale.

“I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now,” said Spacey, who also maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.

“I’ve spent so many years not wanting to talk about myself and avoiding questions about my personal life and my sexuality,” said Spacey, who identifies as gay. 

After allegations made by actor Anthony Rapp in 2017, Spacey says he was “in a very, very dark place.”

Woke Culture & #MeeToo: Guilty Until Proven Innocent, But Still Guilty When Exonerated

Rapp’s sexual misconduct allegations are among several that made Spacey an early focus of the #MeToo movement in 2017. Last year, the House of Cards and American Beauty star was found not guilty on nine charges at London’s Southwark Crown Court, including sexual assault, for crimes which were alleged to have been committed between 2001 and 2013 and related to four men.

Spacey will face a civil trial in the UK next year after being sued by a man who alleges the actor sexually assaulted him. The man, who has been granted anonymity by the court, claims he “suffered psychiatric damage [How fucking convenient! And suffering from acute memory loss, to be sure! -- MNC] and other financial loss” [Sharks are attracted to blood, swindlers to easy money -- MNC] as a result of the alleged sexual assault.

Also, he is on the hook for $31 million awarded to House of Cards producers Media Rights Capital because the claims hastened the end of the show and were deemed a breach of his acting and producing agreements. [This is absolutely outrageous coming from the very people who kicked Spacey out of their show. - MNC] 

Source: Deadline, Tom Tapp, June 11, 2024

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  1. A sad story for sure No one should be challenged without real evidence and facts. At the risk of being a wokist I disagree that Kevin Spacey is totally innocent because it takes two to tango and he took risks. So this does serve to be a cautionary tale for all. Relationships involve more than one person. Like mom said know your lovers get consent know and respect agreed upon boundaries start slow. Arrogance privilege wealth can bite you All in all he is a talent and I hope he gets back into acting and maybe sharing his lessons learned to the up and coming young talent out there

    1. In English, French and American law, individuals are fundamentally considered innocent until proven guilty. This principle places the burden of proof on the prosecution, requiring them to establish the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is a cornerstone of the justice system. In this day and age, mere allegations and accusations are enough to transform an individual into an instant social and professional pariah, a situation from which most people will never recover even if they are exonerated and proven whistle-clean innocent. The stain on the person's reputation is indelible.
      Fighting against (social, sexual, gender, race, disability, WTF) harassment, although a cause not without merits, has gone TOO FAR in our Wokist, #MeToo society, leaving people at the mercy of a mere ungrounded, unproven, irrefutable allegation. Many innocent people, including those targeted by personal vendettas or financial motives, are victimized by this one-sided, overbearing trend of our modern "inclusive" society. As far as I know, Mr. Spacey's rap sheet is clean and all cases against him have been dismissed.
      The current Wokist trend brings to mind the list of actors, writers who were blacklisted during McCarthyism, aka the Red Scare. The mere suspicion of your being a Commie would instantly kill your career, making you jobless, and turn you into a social pariah.
      Orwell was right.
      Thank you for your comment.

  2. beau symbole que ce château de cartes car même si on dispose de bons atouts, un mauvais vent peut tout faire basculer !

    1. D'où le choix de cette photo pour illustrer l'article.

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