SOL 13.1 | Tiempo

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  1. Until the operator tells you to put in another dime or quarter.
    Jusqu’a ce que l’opérateur vous dise de mettre in autre centime.

  2. I always wonder why there are not a few 'pay-for-use but free for emergency calls' hard-fixed (like old phone booths) simple cell devices at key points and travel service stations for those who do not have and for those with low/no charge. Plus super heroes can change in them.. and great props for films. Maintenance would be a cost but if built like some 'combat' devices it could be done.

    1. I hated them. The ones I wanted to use were always out of order, or used by someone else. Or you couldn't find one when you needed one. Plus you needed to have the right coins, in sufficient amount, and as soon as you'd dialled your number, someone would inevitably appear out of nowhere, stop in front of your booth and stare at you noncommittally, while glancing at his watch repeatedly.


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