DAY 277.1 | My Kind of Guy (video)

When you have the perfect answer.

#aviationpassion — Airbus A380. Which is your favorite livery?
Proud to say that I worked as a consultant for three of these major airlines.

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  1. Harry is a man who has decided no longer to be a passenger. The rest of the British Royal Family continues to keep company with some very unsavoury types.

    1. I was referring to Prince Harry serving as a co-pilot during his second Afghan deployment in an Apache attack helicopter. I like guys who love planes and who'd rather spend the whole flight in the cockpit rather than spending it with their eyes glued to the small TV screen located right in front of them. Have you noticed how many people never look out the window, even when they have a window seat? In the 50s, passengers had as-much-as-you-can-drink, free of charge liquor on long-haul flights to keep them happy and entertained. These days, they feed you with movies and TV shows. Which is a shame. I always bring a book with me, and only watch movies on night flights, when they dim the cabin lights. After all these years, I still marvel at the magic of clouds seen from above, the thundering power of jet engines during take-off, and the elegance of a butter landing...

  2. My favorite liveries: 1) Air France (intemporal) 2) British Airways (modern & creative) 3) Lufthansa (exquisitely vintage).

  3. My favourite is KLM. And you couldn't even PAY me to get on a flight by Qatar or Emirates or any other of those nasty anti-gay airlines.

  4. Harry " Rebel without a cause" with James Dean ; pour les compagnies, je préfère l'image avec l'oiseau qui vole dans un ciel crépusculaire orange , mais la première fois que j'ai vu cet avion, je n'aimais pas l'avant par contre impressionnant quand je l'ai vu à Charles de Gaulle et suivi de satellite en satellite car il ramenait ma fille , son compagnon et ma petite fille de retour d'Irak juste après les attentats de Bruxelles

    1. Vous faites fort : attentat, Bruxelles, Irak, famille, avion dans la même phrase... Vous cochez toutes les cases !
      Pour une fois, les Français n'ont pas raté le coche. La livrée d'Air France est une oeuvre d'art, ou peu s'en faut. Je n'ai toujours pas compris que nous soyons passés d'Air France à Airfrance, mais si l'on allie la livrée et le logo d'Air France (Pégase), on n'est pas loin du jackpot. British Airways avait fait très fort aussi, mais leur nouvelle livrée est, au final, assez décevante tant elle s'inscrit dans une mode qui sera, par définition, démodée. La palme de la livrée la plus massacrée revient sans nul doute à American Airlines. Quelle bouillie ! A n'en pas douter, une intervention des Wokistes.

  5. My father provided the voice of the Red Baron in a series of TV commercials for Lufthansa in the late 60's and/or early 70's. Claimed he beat out every German-speaking actor in New York for the job. Also claimed they fired him when he asked for a raise, but he was one to tell tall tales, so who knows? I can confirm, though, that they used a different voice actor in one commercial and then dropped the whole Red Baron campaign.


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